
Cybersecurity Webinare für Unternehmen

Verbessern Sie Ihre IT-Sicherheit in 60 Minuten

Lernen Sie in unseren kostenlosen Webinaren, wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen effektiv gegen digitale Bedrohungen schützen können.

Is Your Business an Easy Target for Cybercriminals?

Sofort umsetzbare Tipps für KMUs

Many businesses underestimate their vulnerabilities. We uncover hidden risks in your systems and offer actionable solutions to strengthen your cyberdefenses.

Sichern Sie Ihr Unternehmen

Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics. Our Red Team simulates advanced attacks to uncover vulnerabilities before real attackers can exploit them.

Vernetzen Sie sich mit anderen Führungskräften

Dealing with complex regulations such as GDPR can be overwhelming. We conduct thorough compliance checks to minimize regulatory risks for your business.

Stellen Sie Ihre Fragen an Experten

Even tech-savvy employees are falling for today's phishing scams. Our all-in-one cyber awareness solution turns your employees into a solid first line of defense.

Zugriff auf exklusive Ressourcen

The use of cloud services carries its own risks. We evaluate the security of your cloud infrastructure and implement custom solutions to protect your data in the cloud.

Aktuelle Bedrohungsanalysen

Cybercriminals use AI for highly sophisticated attacks. Our advanced security solutions protect your company from AI-based threats.
Alexander Subbotin (Gründer) und Felix Gertdenken (Penetrationstester) von ByteSnipers auf dem Cybersecurity Summit, Experten für digitale Sicherheit und Penetrationstests.

ByteSnipers: Your Partner for Robust Cybersecurity

Today, many companies still underestimate the need for an external cybersecurity audit. However, even a single cybersecurity incident can have a devastating impact on a business's reputation and finances.

As external cybersecurity experts, we provide not only an independent assessment of your IT security posture, but also clear and actionable solutions to effectively protect your business from digital threats.

Certified Cybersecurity Experts

Diese Unternehmen vertrauen auf ByteSnipers:

Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)

Wie lang dauern die Webinare?

Cybersecurity, or IT security, encompasses the protection of data and the technologies that move, store, and authenticate it. For organizations, it includes technologies, processes, and training to protect against cyber threats.

Sind die Webinare kostenlos?

Common attacks include malware, phishing, DOS attacks, password attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, ransomware and more.

Erhalte ich eine Aufzeichnung des Webinars, falls ich nicht teilnehmen kann?

A penetration test identifies security vulnerabilities in computer networks, systems, and applications and helps eliminate them.

Sind die Webinare auch für Anfänger geeignet?

Cyber Awareness Training teaches employees to recognize and respond to cyber threats such as phishing emails or social engineering attacks.

Kann ich während des Webinars Fragen stellen?

Smaller businesses are often vulnerable to cyber threats because they often lack specialized IT skills. Penetration testing and awareness training can help minimize security risks and raise awareness of an effective security culture within the organization.

Für welche Branchen sind die Webinare relevant?

AI technologies are increasingly being used to create more convincing phishing scams, requiring greater vigilance on the part of employees.

Wie melde ich mich für ein Webinar an?

Are you experiencing a cybersecurity incident right now? Every second counts! Request immediate assistance from ByteSnipers: +49 421 9866 6155 or email us: We will get back to you ASAP.

Brauche ich technisches Vorwissen, um teilnehmen zu können?

Regularly updating your cybersecurity practices is critical to keeping up with evolving cyber threats.

Welche Themen werden in den Webinaren behandelt?

The use of personal devices for professional purposes can involve risks, so it is important to use safe work equipment.