
6 Key Cybersecurity Challenges Every Business Must Tackle


Blackmailers encrypt your data and demand a ransom. Regular backups and employee training are the best protection.


Fraudsters use email to gain access to sensitive data. Train your employees to recognize suspicious messages.

Password Hacking

Weak passwords are an invitation for hackers. Use complex passwords and two-factor authentication.

Insider Threats

Employees can also create security gaps. Training, access controls, and monitoring help minimize risk.

Old Software

Unpatched vulnerabilities are a favorite target. Keep your systems up to date and install updates promptly.

Supply Chain Attacks

Cybercriminals are targeting less secure elements in your supply chain to breach your defenses.
Many business owners underestimate these risks or are reluctant to invest in effective protection. But reality shows: Anyone can fall victim to a cyberattack, with devastating consequences for your business and reputation. It's time to roll up your sleeves and take action.

My Vision: Working Together for Greater Resilience

In my presentations, I aim to encourage companies to take their cybersecurity into their own hands.

My goal is to raise awareness, motivate, and empower the audience. I believe that everyone can contribute to a secure digital future—whether you are a CEO, IT manager, or employee.

With my holistic approach, I provide not only technical knowledge, but also the mindset needed for a strong security culture.

Attendees will learn how to identify risks, address vulnerabilities, and respond correctly in emergencies.

Through practical examples and live demos, I make cybersecurity tangible and understandable.

A proactive stance on cybersecurity is not a luxury but a necessity.

Companies that educate their employees and invest in protective measures are not only better protected but also more competitive.

Let’s work together to make your company a strong fortress against cyber threats.

What You Can Expect

In my presentations, I address current developments and challenges in the field of cybersecurity. I always align with the needs and questions of SMEs.
Current Threat Landscape and Trends
Practical Protective Measures and Best Practices
Effective Employee Awareness and Training
Emergency Planning and Crisis Management
Security in the Cloud and Home Office
Data Protection and Compliance Requirements
Live Hacking Demos and Practical Examples

Book Alexander Subbotin as a Speaker for Your Event in 3 Simple Steps


Check Availability

Use our form to share your preferred dates and event details. We’ll quickly verify Alexander’s availability and get back to you as soon as possible.

Tailor the Presentation

In a personal consultation, we will collaborate with you to refine the content and focus of the talk. Alexander customizes his presentation to match your audience and industry.

Inspire Your Audience

Get ready for an informative and engaging talk that will inspire your audience and drive action. Alexander delivers valuable insights and practical solutions to enhance cybersecurity in your company.

Book Alexander Subbotin as a Speaker for Your Event

Use our form to check Alexander Subbotin's availability. We look forward to creating an unforgettable keynote with you.
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As a small company, are we even a target for cyber criminals?

Any company, regardless of size or industry, can be a victim of a cyber attack. Hackers often use automated tools to find vulnerabilities in IT systems. Smaller companies in particular underestimate the risks and invest less in cybersecurity, which makes them an attractive target.

Isn't cybersecurity very expensive and complex?

The costs of effective cybersecurity measures are often lower than many think. Compared to the potential consequences of an attack, such as data loss, production downtime, or reputation damage, it is a wise investment. There are also lean solutions that can be adapted to the resources of SMEs.

Our employees have already been made aware of cyber security. Isn't that enough?

Regular training is an important component of cybersecurity, but not a panacea. Hackers are constantly developing new methods to trick employees. In addition, a combination of technical, organizational and human measures is required to address risks holistically.

We've installed a firewall. Doesn't that cover everything?

A firewall is good basic protection, but it is by no means sufficient. Cyber criminals use a variety of ways to penetrate systems, such as phishing emails, compromised login credentials, or vulnerabilities in applications. Modern cybersecurity requires a multi-layered approach that intelligently combines various protective measures.

Why should we book Alexander Subbotin as a speaker in particular?

Alexander has many years of experience in the cybersecurity industry and has already helped numerous companies strengthen their defenses. As founder of ByteSnipers, he is familiar with the specific challenges faced by SMEs and can provide practical solutions. His presentations are equally compelling, understandable and implementation-oriented.

How can we ensure that Alexander's presentation fits our event?

We will work closely with you in advance to tailor the content and focus of the presentation to your target group and industry. Alexander addresses current topics and trends and enriches them with practical examples and specific recommendations for action. In this way, it offers relevant insights and impulses for every audience.

How does booking a presentation from Alexander work?

Simply use our form to send us your request. We'll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss all the details — from your ideas to Alexander's availability and conditions. Together, we will then develop a tailor-made concept for your event. Don't hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to meeting you.