
Cybersecurity Solutions for the Healthcare Industry

Protect Telematics Infrastructure, Patient Data, and Medical Devices from Cyber Attacks

Tailored IT security solutions for hospitals, clinics, medical practices, and health insurance companies. We help you meet compliance requirements and secure patient care.
Protection of sensitive patient data in healthcare facilities
Reliability of IT and medical devices in hospitals
Fulfillment of compliance requirements in healthcare
These Companies Trust ByteSnipers:

How Vulnerable is Your Hospital to Ransomware Attacks?

Extortion and Data Loss through Ransomware

In 2022, every third hospital in Germany fell victim to a ransomware attack. The University Hospital Düsseldorf had to close for emergency admissions in 2020 after such an attack. Our protection against ransomware attacks in hospitals offers proactive defense against this growing threat.

Millions in Damages from Data Leaks

In 2021, over 40 million patient records were stolen. The University Hospital Essen had to pay a fine of 1.2 million euros for violations against the GDPR after a data leak. Our solutions for preventing data leaks in healthcare facilities help to comprehensively protect sensitive patient data.

Life-Threatening Attacks on Medical Devices

Malicious hackers have repeatedly attacked medical devices in hospitals. These cyberattacks disrupt operations, impair care, and ultimately endanger human lives.

Compliance Risks and Loss of Trust

Data leaks and inadequate IT security lead to high fines. Even worse is often the damage to reputation: Negative headlines destroy the trust of patients, employees, and partners.
Hospitals, clinics, and medical practices must give cybersecurity the highest priority in 2024. Only with the right protective measures can these risks be effectively warded off.

Cybersecurity Audits for Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Practices, and Health Insurance Companies

As an MSSP and security service provider for hospitals, we offer tailored solutions and support through our SOC and Threat Intelligence Sharing platforms.

Our comprehensive IT security solutions ensure the highest security standards and seamless integration into your patient care.

Work with us and leverage our expertise to make your healthcare facility secure and trustworthy.

Our Services at a Glance

Protection of sensitive patient data: Encryption and access controls.
System reliability: Backup systems, redundancies, and emergency plans.
Legal compliance: Support with GDPR, BSI IT Security Act, and KRITIS.
Detection and response: EDR, MDR, SIEM, and SOAR.
Incident Response and Crisis Management: Incident Response Plans, forensic analyses, crisis management.
Modern Technologies: AI, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Threat Hunting, Red Teaming.
Security by Design: Secure by Design and Threat Modeling.
Zero Trust and Micro-Segmentation: Implementation of Zero Trust Security and Micro-Segmentation.
Special topics: IoT security, Cloud security.
Proactive measures: Vulnerability monitoring and threat hunting.

ByteSnipers: Certified Cybersecurity Experts

Our experienced team consists of certified cybersecurity professionals (eWPTX, eWPT, OSCP, OSWE, OWASP).

We understand industry-specific security requirements and stay on top of the latest threats through ongoing training, conferences and research.

As a trusted partner, we advise both start-ups and large enterprises in the development of robust security programs. Through years of experience and adherence to ethical standards, we provide customized solutions for your IT security.

Schedule a free initial consultation with our experts today.

Our Proven 3-Step Plan for Enhanced Cybersecurity and Compliance


Analysis of Your Current Security Situation

As part of a comprehensive risk analysis, we identify vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure, processes, and guidelines. This includes vulnerability analyses, penetration tests, and audits.

Development of a Holistic Security Concept

Based on the analysis results, we create a tailored security concept for your facility according to best practices and taking into account regulatory requirements.

Implementation and Continuous Improvement

We implement technical and organizational measures and train your personnel. Through continuous monitoring and adaptation, we ensure consistently high security standards.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Schedule an appointment today for a free initial consultation. We will analyze your current security situation and explain how you can improve your cybersecurity.
Alexander Subbotin, CEO, ByteSnipers - Machen Sie Cybersicherheit zu einem Wettbewerbsvorteil mit unserem All-in-one Cyber Awareness Training

FAQ: Cybersecurity in the Healtcare Sector

What cyber threats are there and how can you protect yourself?

Healthcare is a prime target for cyberattacks such as ransomware, malware and phishing. ByteSnipers helps hospitals protect patient data and medical devices through strong endpoint security, encryption, network segmentation, and employee education. Our goal is to protect you from data theft, extortion, and sabotage.

Which compliance requirements must be met?

There are a number of regulations that healthcare organizations must comply with, such as the General Data Protection Regulation and IT security laws. We can help you implement an information security management system based on ISO 27001 that covers all the basics and meets key compliance requirements.

How are patient data and medical devices protected?

We use a layered approach of encryption, access control, and monitoring to protect electronic health records and related devices. Multifactor authentication and endpoint protection provide additional protection against misuse and tampering.

Which technical safety measures are recommended?

We typically recommend a combination of endpoint protection, encryption, firewalls, intrusion detection, and access management. For hospitals, we also consider cloud security, IoT protection, and secure remote access. The key is to find the right combination for your needs.

How can IT security be combined with patient care?

Patient care always comes first. We conduct careful risk assessments and create contingency plans to ensure that safety does not interfere with hospital operations. Building a culture of safety through employee training is also critical.

How can cybersecurity be improved cost-effectively?

We focus on effective and cost-effective measures such as security awareness training, policy improvements, and free or open tools. Prioritizing critical assets and risks helps focus spending where it matters most.

How are employees made aware of security risks?

We use a mix of regular training, phishing simulations, and clear security policies to keep employees vigilant. Management support is critical - cybersecurity must be a top-down priority.

How can cyber attacks be identified and responded to quickly?

We help set up security centers with 24/7 monitoring and automated incident response. Use threat intelligence and digital forensics to quickly identify and contain threats.

How is cybersecurity integrated into risk and quality management?

We're working to embed cybersecurity at every level—from corporate governance and security committees to audits and incident reporting. It must be part of the organization's risk and quality management DNA.

What are the best practices for cybersecurity in hospitals?

We recommend holistic security strategies, building cyber resilience, and "zero trust" approaches. Threat modeling and security testing of medical devices are also important. The goal is to make security an integral part of healthcare processes.

What cyber security measures are necessary for medical practices?

Medical practices should rely on WPA3-encrypted WLANs, VPNs for remote access, automatic software updates, regular data backups, and staff training to ensure cybersecurity.