Free Cybersecurity Audit

Discover hidden vulnerabilities in your IT security to safeguard your systems and enhance your company’s cyber defense.

Identify Vulnerabilities in Your Cyber Defense Before Hackers Exploit Them

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Early Detection of Security Risks

Protect your IT infrastructure through proactive measures, uncovering hidden security risks before they cause damage.

Protection Against Data Loss and Financial Damage

By identifying and addressing security gaps, we safeguard your data and protect your company from financial losses due to cyberattacks.

Compliance with Security Standards

Ensure your IT infrastructure adheres to security standards by proactively identifying and mitigating hidden risks before they can cause harm.

Global Costs of Cyberattacks Are Rising: $10.5 Billion Projected

Cybercriminals are more ruthless and relentless than ever. They continuously develop new tactics to breach corporate IT security, steal sensitive data, and hold companies hostage for ransom.

Without adequate cyber defense, even small oversights can have catastrophic consequences:

  • Massive Financial Loss – According to the 2022 State of Ransomware Report, medium-sized companies paid an average ransom of $170,000 last year. Recovery after an attack is estimated to cost 21 times more than the ransom itself.
  • Permanent Data Loss – 20% of companies that fell victim to ransomware attacks could no longer access their encrypted data and had to cease operations entirely.
  • Ruined Reputation – 60% of hacked companies that paid the ransom never regained their data. The public loss of customer trust can permanently damage a company’s reputation and loyalty.
  • High Fines – If customer data is not protected, this can lead to hefty fines for regulatory violations like GDPR, not to mention lengthy and costly legal proceedings.

All too often, companies only realize the extent of their vulnerability after an attack has occurred. Don't let this happen to your business.

Bytensipers Image Hacker Cost.

Gain an Edge with Our Free IT Security Audit

Alexander Subbotin Gründer ByteSnipers
“At ByteSnipers, we have been committed to IT security for businesses for over a decade.

Industry leaders across various sectors trust us to identify and neutralize vulnerabilities in their IT environments, enhancing their security posture and adapting to the evolving threat landscape.

Our experts hold renowned pen-testing certifications and stay at the forefront of research and current threat trends, ensuring we provide the best solutions to strengthen your cyber defense.

Our security reports are valued by our clients for their clarity, precision, and actionable insights tailored to the unique needs and risks of our customers.

With us, you don’t receive a generic report—instead, you get specific recommendations, security solutions, and strategies based on leading IT security standards like NIST and BSI Basic Protection."
The Eurozone Central Bank
Leading certification body to ensure safety standards.
Fintech company that offers online payment solutions.
Global market leader in aircraft manufacturing.

What Our Free IT Security Audit Includes

Our free IT security audit is designed to offer significant value to small and medium-sized businesses that want to proactively strengthen their cyber defenses.

While the free audit may not be as comprehensive as our paid services, it covers the most crucial elements necessary to assess your overall security posture and identify critical risks and areas for improvement.
Network Security Check – Assessment of your network’s security against intrusions and vulnerabilities. This check helps identify and close potential entry points for unauthorized access.
Data Security Check – Evaluation of how your data is stored, transferred, and protected. This includes analysis of how your data is safeguarded against loss, theft, or damage, and whether your data transmissions are secure.
Report – A clear overview of identified security gaps and compliance issues, focusing on critical areas. Assessment of the severity and potential impact of risks, with recommendations for prioritizing corrective actions.
IT Security Roadmap – A prioritized list of specific measures to reduce risks, tailored to your business needs. A step-by-step plan for implementing recommended security improvements.
Collaboration Offer – An offer for direct support from ByteSnipers experts in implementing the steps outlined in the IT Security Roadmap. Development and customization of security solutions and strategies that are precisely aligned with your company’s needs and requirements.

Improve Your Cybersecurity in 3 Simple Steps

Step 1:

Request Your Free IT Security Audit

Fill out our simple online form to provide an overview of your current IT security posture from your perspective.

This step allows us to gain an initial understanding and lay the groundwork for a comprehensive evaluation.
Step 2:

Receive an Expert Assessment of Your IT Security

A ByteSnipers IT security expert will reach out to you to conduct an initial, free consultation. You will receive a detailed report that outlines your security posture, identifies vulnerabilities, and assesses risks.

The free initial consultation lasts about 30 minutes and allows us to tailor our recommendations to your individual security concerns.
Step 3:

Get a Customized IT Security Roadmap

Based on the consultation, we will create a tailored IT security roadmap to meet your specific needs.

This plan includes a detailed analysis of your security posture and provides concrete steps and recommendations to enhance your IT security.

Invest in Protecting Your Business

With the customized IT security roadmap, you will receive a non-binding offer to collaborate with ByteSnipers and implement the proposed improvements.

Take this opportunity to protect your business against current and future cyber threats.

ByteSnipers: Certified Cybersecurity Experts

Our experienced team consists of certified cybersecurity experts (OSCP, CEH, GWAPT, GWEB, PenTest+).

We understand industry-specific security requirements and stay informed about the latest threats through continuous training, conferences, and research.

As a trusted partner, we advise both start-ups and large enterprises in developing robust security programs. With years of hands-on experience and a commitment to ethical standards, we provide customized solutions for your IT security.

Request a free IT Security Audit today. Our experts will guide you on how to enhance cybersecurity within your organization.

Discover Hidden Vulnerabilities: Secure Your Business with a Free IT Security Audit

Comprehensive Risk Analysis

Penetration tests uncover vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure that could potentially be exploited by hackers.

Threat Analysis of the Overall Architecture

The attack surface of both internal and external systems is analyzed, from which technical and organizational measures (TOMs) can be derived.

Enhanced Security Strategy

Development of a security strategy tailored to the specific needs and requirements of your business.

Cost Efficiency

Identification of cost-effective solutions to improve your security posture without unnecessary investments.

Increased Awareness

Raising security awareness and knowledge within your team through targeted recommendations and training offerings.

Long-Term Protection

Strengthening your long-term cyber resilience with ongoing support and adaptation to evolving threat landscapes.
Instead of waiting for a security incident to occur, take a proactive approach by closing security gaps and hardening your infrastructure against cyber-attacks with our audit. Gain a clear overview of your cybersecurity posture, with an expert assessment of risks and actionable next steps to enhance the protection of your digital infrastructure.

FAQ: Free Cybersecurity Audit

What are the benefits of a free IT security audit for my company?

Our free audit reveals weaknesses in your IT infrastructure before malicious hackers can exploit them. In this way, you can proactively improve security and avoid massive disruptions and costs afterwards. We create a security basis against which you can measure future improvements. You'll get an overview of the biggest IT security risks in your company and get advice from our cybersecurity experts on how you can improve your protection based on your security needs.

What does a paid, comprehensive audit include?

Our paid audits provide a more comprehensive assessment with detailed penetration testing, social engineering assessments, physical security analyses, and detailed assessments of potential compliance gaps. Our free IT security audit focuses on evaluating your overall security situation to uncover general risks such as phishing vulnerability, unpatched software, and inadequate access controls. Our goal is to raise your security awareness and help you on your way to greater cybersecurity.

What types of vulnerabilities do you typically uncover?

Our experts have extensive experience in various industries and organizations. Regardless of your IT environment, we can identify risks related to your specific infrastructure. Some of the most common issues we find include:
  • Unauthorized access to sensitive data (passwords, confidential documents)
  • Vulnerabilities in applications (web, Android, iOS) and network devices (firewalls, routers, appliances)
  • Sensitive data that is not encrypted
  • Employee password reuse for personal and professional accounts
  • Lack of multi-factor authentication for remote access
  • Using unsecured public WiFi corporate networks

How will you protect our sensitive business data?

Rest assured that we handle sensitive information extremely confidentially and carefully. Strict security protocols ensure the confidentiality of our customers throughout the audit.
  • Our auditors are subject to confidentiality agreements that prohibit unauthorized use or sharing of your information
  • We never need direct access to your systems
  • The report is based exclusively on information from our discussions
  • The report is delivered in encrypted form via secure channels and access is limited to assigned reviewers
  • Business data is permanently deleted after completion

What do you recommend next steps after the exam?

We'll help you prioritize the changes you need to make based on risk levels and the limitations of your IT environment. Our experts can explain our suggestions and help implement them. Our advice for next steps depends on the specific vulnerabilities that have been identified. However, some typical recommendations include:
  • Fix critical vulnerabilities or configuration errors so that sensitive companies remain protected
  • Update firewall settings to block malicious traffic
  • Enable multi-factor authentication wherever possible
  • Setting up automatic systems for anti-virus scans and operating system updates
  • Introduction of strict password policies and access controls
  • Conducting simulated phishing tests to improve security awareness
  • Cybersecurity awareness training for your employees

Can the scope of the audit be adjusted?

But sure! When planning your audit, we discuss your specific concerns and priorities with you. Maybe you want to focus on endpoint security or gaps in regulatory compliance. Based on this, our auditor will spend more time evaluating areas of higher risk. The key is working with us to define the scope according to your requirements. Even the free test can be adjusted within certain parameters. If you want full customization, consider our paid audits.

Who carries out the test? What qualifications do they have?

Our audits are led by certified cybersecurity experts who undergo rigorous training on our methodology. They have more than 5 years of experience in carrying out IT security audits in various industries. You can be sure that your business systems and data are being assessed by competent professionals who are intimately familiar with real threats. Our auditors are continuously trained to keep their skills up to date.

Can you help implement the changes after the audit?

Our goal is to build long-term relationships, not just one-off assignments. You can also hire us for your more comprehensive IT security needs before and after the audit. We offer a range of IT security services that go beyond audits, including:
  • Penetration testing to verify your cyber defenses
  • Continuous monitoring of vulnerabilities and risk assessments
  • Design and implement new security controls that are tailored to your needs
  • Durchführung von Phishing-Simulationen
  • Awareness training to raise safety awareness